Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The seven essentials to become happier

We all have our dark days and bad weeks from time to time, trust us, we've all been there and unfortunately it's all part of growing up, becoming older and of course, wiser. But what exactly can we do to overcome those bad days and become happier, more positive people? I have teamed together my top tips, of which help me on day to day basis and hopefully they will assist you on helping you become an overall happier person with a brighter outlook of life and with our fingers crossed, together we can be on our way to beat those 'down days' for good.

Listen to music

Sticking our earphones in, blocking out the world with our favourite, most uplifting and motivational songs can really help improve your mood. It can transform you into a world of your own, erasing the bad memories of a terrible day,oh which you'd much rather forget.

How it helps me; I listen to music as much as I can throughout the day, mainly on the bus, whilst I am walking or just before bed. It massively contributes to how my mood changes, sometimes if I've had a bad day at college, listening to music on the way home instantly becomes a mood changer and by the time I get through my front door my rubbish day is no longer at the forefront of my mind as it helps take my mind off everything for a short while and concentrate on the more positive things, after-all tomorrow is a new day.

My uplifting playlist: (Well a few)
{some are very cliche, I know}
  • Drake - One dance
  • Blonde - All cried out
  • Coldplay -Hymn For The Weekend
  • The Saturdays - Ego
  • Beyonce - Countdown
  • The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
  • Sia - Cheap Thills
  • Dua Lipa - Hotter Than Hell

Write it down

Writing your thoughts or feelings down can feel as though a slight weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Not everyone can be open with their family members or friends, so writing down exactly how you feel can give a sense of 'telling someone', making it easier to congest why today or this week wasn't a good one and how you can ensure that tomorrow is a great one.

How it helps me; I don't tend to write down my feelings down at this present time, although at school keeping a diary about dealing with GCSE stress did help me out a lot. I prefer to discuss how I feel with either Alexandra, my boyfriend or my stepdad as i find these people the easiest to talk too, it's all down to preference, some people feel more comfortable with just writing it down, although it's always reassuring to discuss a problem or concern with somebody close to you as well.

Get rid of negative people

Shutting out people is extremely difficult and challenging, whatever you age or current situation may be, it's never nice to loose people that you were once close too or had created a special bond with, but honestly, sometimes it is for the best. Surrounding yourself with negative people, who may constantly try to bring you down is never a good idea and it will reach a point of enough is enough.

How it helps me; As my last year of high school was nearing to an end, for me it was a prime opportunity to escape negative people and slowly drift away from them without causing any problems or awkwardness. High school is always a difficult time, people change and unfortunately not always in a positive way. I was ALWAYS a forgiving person no matter what the issue may of been and leaving year 11 would be the turning point for myself and the chance to keep in touch with only the people who would be good for me and who I'd benefit from. There's most definitely a certain way to approach this situation to avoid causing any upset or being horrible and honestly is always key. Addressing the problem with a friend or work colleague etc. is always a good starting point, if they take everything on-board, that's perfect and if not, you can cope without them.

Look good,Feel good

There's no better feeling than getting complimented unexpectedly or walking around feeling damn hot and usually, for us ladies it's all about the clothes, the face and the hair. Putting on your favourite outfit, feeling utterly pampered or simply, getting a fresh cut can leave us all feeling better about ourselves. Looking good certainly makes us feel good and feeling good is the key to a great day.

How it helps me; All of us have varied opinions on how we can look our best, for me I'm most confident when my eyebows are done to perfection, disappointing brows = disappointing day. How I dress is a huge confidence boost for myself, when I'm dressed in my favourite pieces I'm instantly more happy and positive about how I feel for that day. Sometimes, there will be days where I chop and change my outift three or four times, I'd never even attempt to leave my house if I didn't feel comfortable in what I was wearing or how I looked.


Who doesn't love planning days out or trips with the people who mean the most? Whether it's a year or a month in advance it's always great to be looking forward to one thing or another. Not only is it a great way to get together with family member you don't usually see or long lost friends, it's also the perfect opportunity to take your mind off things you'd rather forget about, whether that be college/school/work etc.

How it helps me; I've got to be honest, I'm a little lazy nor creative when it comes to organising plans for a day out and sometimes I'd rather enjoy a day spent in bed with a cup of tea...although I have now realised, I need to get back into being more outgoing rather than wasting my life away under my duvet. I've made a promise to myself that as soon as I turn 18, I shall venture out more but until then, I  probably with just waste away in my bed, oops.

Find A New Hobby or Interest

Finding a new hobby or interest is something we should do often, it's a prime opportunity to meet people and find something new about yourself, maybe a sport you never even knew you were good at. Many people thing this has to be sport based, but that isn't the case at all, maybe a art class would tickle your fancy or a new found love of historic monuments. It can literally be anything. It keeps things interesting, can take you out of your comfort zone, keep your mind off things and build confidence, what's not to love.

How it helps me; I'm not particularly in to participating in any type of sport, so anything sporty based is a huge no go for me as P.E at school was literally my worst nightmare. It's taken me a while to find something I enjoy and stick to for longer than two weeks but blogging is finally something I enjoy and it's non-physical, which is the perfect hobby for me. Blogging is the perfect way to meet various types of people and to bring me out of my comfort zone, not only that but fashion and beauty is a huge passion of mine and what better way than to share that with you all.

And Smile...

Smiling is the easiest tip of them all, it's the biggest and most essential tip on how to be a happier person. No
matter how rubbish and down you feel on the inside,smile and eventually the happiness part will begin to follow naturally. 


  1. Great post. I totally agree with finding a hobby. Mine is reading and I go through loads of books (like six or more a week) when I have free time. :)

    S .x

    1. I wish I had the patience for reading:( Such a great hobby, especially for the imagination. So glad you enjoyed this post! X

  2. I love this post so much, so uplifting and I love all those songs!

    1. Without music I'd be so stuck haha! Glad you enjoyed the read lovely! X

  3. It certainly is sometimes difficult to become happier if you are feeling down but writing your thoughts down definitely helps with that for sure because its giving you the chance to release your thoughts. Also I've recently discovered the benefits of meditation - it really does work and makes you forget and be so much more relaxed and happier. x

    1. Meditation is something I've never even considered trying! I'll definitely give it a go sometime! X
